- Words Darcy Culverhouse
Fresh off the heels of his debut single ‘Fred Perry Girl’, indie’s hot new prospect, Andy Goodwin, talks indie stereotypes, dream festival headliners and future plans.
Flicking through TikTok’s FYP recently, you may have stumbled upon an ear-piquing thirty-second-long video from Andy Goodwin. Watch closely and you’ll notice a warm lilac light illuminating his figure, as he gently caresses a baby blue guitar and strums the infectious melody of a song. “She turned up in her three stripes and a Fred Perry,” he belts out atop the crowd’s cheers and applause. This is a snippet from Andy Goodwin’s unveiling of his debut track, ‘Fred Perry Girl’. Standing as a fitting introduction to his quintessential British swagger, the video swept TikTok by storm and locked everyone into Andy’s indie universe.
Skilfully manifesting soundscapes that authentically reflect the essence of our generation, Andy approaches the indie genre with a straightforward philosophy: hand him a guitar and a microphone and he’s ready to go. Although a fresh face on the scene, his ethos and artistic values prove that he’s here for the long haul. Hailing from Oldham and at the youthful age of 22, Andy soaks up the experiences of a northern upbringing and pours it all into his songwriting. Surrounded by indie music while growing up — from car journeys filled with his dad’s favourite CD’s, to copying his older brother and learning to play the guitar — it comes as no surprise that shredding riffs and singing catchy hooks is simply second nature to him.
‘Fred Perry Girl’, stands as a fittingly skilful introduction for his indie flair and poetic songwriting. Expanding on themes of life hindering the pursuit of one’s desires, the track garnered over 4 million views on social media before its official release—and rightly so. Throughout the track, Andy unwinds an entrancing guitar rhythm; his vocals serenade the beat with a swagger that is sure to get your head nodding in approval.
Riding the euphoria of ‘Fred Perry Girl’, we sit down with the breakout star to talk indie stereotypes, dream festival headliners and future plans.

I’d say the biggest misconception of indie is that it’s full of 14-year-old lads, who love Oasis and drink Dark Fruits, or 40-year-olds who love The Strokes, wear skinny jeans and black leather jackets, and if you like indie music, you’re either one or the other and nothing in between.
What’s the truest stereotype of indie music?
I’d say the truest stereotype of indie is that everyone had the embarrassing Oasis and Stone Roses introduction to it, even if they pretend that never happened.
Can you tell us about your first introduction to indie music? Who or what sparked your interest in the genre?
My introduction to indie music was when my older brother started playing the guitar, and naturally as a younger sibling, I copied him. The dreams of starting a band together faded when he stopped because I got better than him. I’d say it’s either that or being stuck in the back of my dad’s car with his CDs on full blast: Gorillaz, The Smiths, Space and Black Grape stand out as my dad’s influence.
What was the first indie album that you ever owned? Would you say it still influences you today?
The first indie album I ever owned was also the first CD I ever bought: What did you expect from The Vaccines? by The Vaccines. Would I say it still influences me? I can’t say I’ve listened to it in a while, but there are some good songs on there, I might have to go back and give it another listen and get back to you.

What fashion designers, photographers, films or other visual references go hand-in-hand with indie music for you?
Brands associated with the genre? It would be stupid if I didn’t mention Fred Perry and Adidas, for obvious reasons. Photographers, definitely Ewen Spencer and that Skins promo shoot – fucking unreal. Films, I’d say anything with a good indie soundtrack; the list is endless. Flicking through old music magazines like Melody Maker, they always had the best covers, and making note of anything you like is the best way to get stuck in.
Is there a specific era or scene that you’re inspired by the most?
I’d say the specific era or scene that I’m most influenced by would be the early 00s indie bands knocking about looking like they’ve just stumbled onto the stage, performing a very lacklustre gig, and then they’d be in the pub after looking kind of horrible, but in that perfectly scruffy look. Notably, any Babyshambles gig ever is my favourite to watch.
Your new single is called ‘Fred Perry Girl’, as a fan of the brand, what’s your favourite Fred Perry polo colour combo?
The one that Pete Doherty was wearing on The Libertines cover. It’s red, white and ice blue. I’ve also never got my hands on it which makes it all that bit nicer.
Many great bands formed off the back of conversations in pubs or at gigs. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given from random chats with strangers in these settings?
If I could remember any of the great pearls of wisdom that I’ve been given at pubs or gigs, then I’d probably be a lot further on than I am now. The best advice is always forgotten, and you’ve got to figure it out yourself.
You’ve just scribbled down a lyric on the back of a beer mat. What does it say?
From looking through the notes on my phone instead of a beer mat (I know, not as cool) the last thing I wrote down was “Everybody likes a drink no one likes a drunk.” I heard it in a conversation the other day and thought, ‘I’m having that’. It’ll be the start of a new song I’ll end up writing.
Who would be your three dream indie festival headliners?
Top 3 headliners? Jesus. At the risk of sounding like a 14-year-old boy, I’d probably still say Oasis, The Stone Roses and, fuck it, Andy Goodwin. Alternative answer, Andy Goodwin three times over.
Imagine you’re going on your first-ever UK tour. What’s going down?
First UK tour? Fucking everything, man. I’d take it all and do everything I possibly can and try everything each city has to offer. You can fill the rest in for yourself.
Who are some new indie artists (or songs/albums) we should get to know?
Everyone should go and listen to my good friends Balancing Act, Master Peace and Bby. And then me, obviously.
What’s one bit of advice you’d give to someone looking to start a band today?
Hold off releasing it until you know it’s going to make some noise. There’s no point in making a splash into the scene and jumping straight in at the deep end.
What’s next for Andy Goodwin?
More music releases, which I’ve been sitting on. I’m just deciding on which songs are gonna be B-sides. I’m playing at Scala on March 19, supporting Master Peace which will be my biggest show yet, by far. Then I’ll get the EP out, play as many gigs as possible and take the songs on the road around the UK. Just all the stuff I’ve told everyone I’m going to do when I’m fucked. I hope to see all of you there.