- Words Notion Staff
We chat with Austrian producer, Alex The Flipper, as he releases his second EP 'Dream Come True Flippa'.
After seven years of music-making, Alex The Flipper has swum largely under the radar, making him a secret gem to those in the know. Now, he’s released his second EP, the 6-track ‘Dream Come True Flippa’, and is set to make waves.
The Austrian producer garnered the attention of tastemakers such as Majestic Casual with his first songs, releasing a steady stream of singles over the years and a debut EP that blended a range of genres effortlessly. During this time, he also collaborated with a wide network of international artists and producers, such as the German rapper Gerard, Yakob, nvdes, Frido, Lou Asril, Markus Ganter, and others.
Notably, the end of 2015, Alex linked up with fellow Austrian Mavi Phoenix in their hometown of Linz. The two wrote and produced both Mavi Phoenix EPs and Mavi’s debut album ‘Boys Toys’.
With his second EP, however, it’s clear that Alex The Flipper is channeling all his creative energy into making his own jams.
We caught up with Alex The Flipper to learn about his creative process, musical inspirations, and hopes and dreams for his music career.

- Photography Mavi Phoenix
What’s the story behind your moniker?
A friend of mine came up with the name years ago, when he said I am jumping through genres and styles like a dolphin.
When did you realise you wanted to be a musician?
I never intended to make a living from music. You can say – it somehow came to me. Actually I am a lawyer haha.
What is it about music that brings you such joy?
Joy is not exactly the right word for me. It is more a passion I have. I can’t help it.
What are the hardest parts of the creation process – and the easiest?
The hardest thing for me is to get out of my own way. A tiger for example doesn’t trip over is own feet while chasing prey. If you manage to get out of your own way, it’s much easier to make music.
How has your process been impacted by COVID?
Actually, my process was very much affected when the lockdown hit, I either had to do online sessions with the artist I work with or we sent stuff back and forth. As for the productions for Alex The Flipper, the lockdown opened up a new space for me. I was able to fully concentrate on my own music.

- Photography Mavi Phoenix
Who are some of your biggest musical inspirations?
There are so many influences that I can’t think of a specific one. From classical music to hip hop, everything is covered.
What can we expect from your ‘Dream Come True Flippa’ EP?
Actually I don‘t know what to expect. I know that it is a cool piece of music, which is off the beaten track.
Where did you pull inspiration from for the record?
My biggest inspiration was silence. No other music, books, or other things.
The story behind my music is that I simply explored and tried things out. I taught myself everything. On the way, there were a handful of people from whom I learned a lot.
If your music were a food, which would it be?
Vanilla ice with truffle.
What are your hopes and dreams for Alex the Flipper?
I think as long as I stay creative and open, I don’t dream of the future. Because now it is perfect the way it is.