- Words Yasmine Dankwah
- Photography David Sessions
- Styling Léa Federmann
- Hair Joy Matashi
- Makeup Grace Ellington
- Nails Sylvie Macmillan
- Styling Assistant Mariangela Orlando
- Production Studio Notion
Refusing to be bound by one sound, meet Cosima the South-London singer-songwriter-director-producer who’s taking her seat at the table in the music world.
With a record label to her name, South of Heaven Records, the 23-year-old dared to do what some artists starting their careers don’t and that is… take control. Unique and self-assured, Cosima freely defies genres, whilst keeping vulnerability and her dulcet tones consistent – regardless of what musical style she actively chooses to explore.
With a number of tracks being featured by Zane Lowe’s Beats 1, this creative-in-control is able to shift from one style to another with ease, whilst drawing in large audiences on streaming platforms. With an earlier single ‘Hymns for Him’, Cosima entices us with a hook that is eerie and almost puts you in a trance, whereas her early 2019 release ‘R U Lonely 2?’ is a traditional ballad, that further showcases her profound lyricism and satin-soft voice.
This trend upholds in Cosima’s most recent single, ‘Close to You (Moonlighting)’. Co-written with Matt Parad, the single explores putting on a facade that makes you vulnerable and results in losing yourself in sacrifice for someone else. The theme of false-pretence is mirrored in Cosima’s self-directed video, where she takes to the stage, embodying an actress in a one-woman-show, who interprets the roles of black and white, in a fascinating way.
Having already featured twice in Kindness’ album, ‘Something Like a War’, the star is set to release new and original tracks this year and we can’t wait to see where Cosima takes us next. For now, check out this blossoming star as our latest Internet Crush.

- Top and Jacket Supriya Lele

Are you looking forward to having your next body of work out in the world?
Yes, it’s always a special thing to release music into the world.
What is your creative process like when it comes to making music?
It varies a lot! I’m an emotional writer/creator. I’m a big believer in actual physical pen to pad, so a lot of the time it starts with me free writing, just getting the content of my brain out and then sifting through trying to find clarity for the sake of the song and myself! It’s emotion led. It can turn into me sitting alone at a piano or in a room with someone else venting. The production process is assessing what the songs need and trying to build that world around the lyrics.
Who would some of your dream collaborators be?
Frank Ocean, Kris Kristoferson and maybe a singing lesson with Sezen Aksu or Estrella Morente. I dream of being on a Barbra Streisand duets album singing Lullaby to Myself. Oh and Lil Rich who produced “Perfect” by Cousin Stizz which is my favourite song of the year, it sounds so good!

- Dress Gabrielle Vengeur
- Earrings Alighieri
How did you first get started within music?
The day I started in music was the day I fell in love with listening to it. A Judy Garland box set from my friend and an Ella Fitzgerald Greatest Hits CD from the library. When you hear voices like that something about self-expression clicks in your brain and the rest of your life is spent trying to reach something close to that catharsis.
What is some advice you would give to your younger self?
I think it would be dangerous to tamper with my younger self’s journey. I wouldn’t even try to take the pain out of certain experiences because it’s the tax that you pay for learning. So I would either say nothing and give her a reassuring hug and send her on her way. Or I would just tell her the same thing I will tell my future daughters, there is no limit on the number of times you can use the word no. You weren’t built to please others.
What has been one of the highlights of your year so far?
Starting my own label and seeing what is possible on your own. The feeling I had after we finished shooting the Close To You video and my storyboard matched the final rushes exactly. It’s rare that something jumps out of your mind exactly as you imagined it.
What else can we expect to come from Cosima?
More of everything!
If you could choose one, what is one album that you could only listen to?
If it exists a multi CD compilation of either the smooth FM or Magic 105.4 playlist. I have really bad insomnia and since I was 11 I’ve been married to the songs that those stations play at night.
Any advice you have been given that has stayed with you?
“Cosima stop trying to please everyone,” said with loving exasperation.
What is one fact people may not know about you?
I’m a Sagittarius, there’s a fact.
What’s one mantra you repeat to yourself?
I’m not really a mantra person. But one of my lyrics “freedom is the hardest cheque to cash” is a sort of reminder to myself that it’s not easy to do things on my own terms, but it’s always worth it. And it’s always exciting.
If you could to describe Cosima in a few words, your music and your soul, what would you say?
Tough & Tender.