- Words Darcy Culverhouse
Actor Freddie Pearson delivers an emotional rendition of Hussain Manawer’s poem ‘Invisible’, taken from his latest anthology.
On a secluded stretch of Bournemouth’s coastline, actor Freddie Pearson wanders along the solemn waves, each step immersing his feet in the cool embrace of the sea. Gazing into the camera, he bares his soul, speaking tender poetry that resonates with every fibre of your being. “You’re a song I’ve never heard of”, he whispers, amidst montages of him looking out to the expanse of the ocean. But it’s the poignant finale that tugs hardest at the heartstrings “You don’t need to be invisible my darling.”
Taken from London-based poet, Hussain Manawer’s piece ‘Invisible’, taken from his powerful anthology I Wanted To Quit Too, Freddie Pearson sends shivers down the spine for his raw rendition. Directed by the visionary Tyler Palmer and set to the emotive score by Trever Hagen, Pearson elevates the poem with his acting prowess, infusing it with an added depth and resonance that brings it to life.

Narrating the first moments he heard Hussain’s tender words, Pearson says: “I vividly remember the first time I heard ‘Invisible’. Hussain and I were sat in a car in Los Angeles, and it was as if someone had found the words to articulate something that I’d never been able to. An intimate feeling of yearning and hope. Delivering Invisible has been a delicate task; one in which I had to delve deep within myself to give the words justice that I’m sure so many of us can relate to”.
Crafted years ago, Hussain’s poem lingered within him for some time. Echoing the yearning for love and touch, the poem reflects societal pressures on relationships, whilst navigating single life. Initially put on the backburner, the poem swiftly found its place in his anthology, adding an inch of introspection to the already bustling book.

Whilst the poem is focused on the longing for love, Hussain’s anthology is more so testament to resilience in the face of life’s trials, and a celebration of the enduring spirit of humanity. With each turn of the page, Hussain’s hope is to illuminate the path of hope, offering a beacon of light to those navigating the darkest corners of experience, a stark reminder that amidst life’s storms, there is always the possibility of finding solace and connection.