- Words Notion Staff
Meet Finches, the duo ready for a spot on your playlist with new track "Ooooo" - we chat Y2K fashion, their current obsessions, and a shared love for Kate Nash.
Welcome to Fresh Face, a quick-fire interview series spotlighting the best rising talents in today’s youthful music scene. From biggest pet peeves to party tricks and death row meals, we’re stripping things back from the formal Q&A format. Think of it like speed dating, but with some of the freshest music makers worth discovering.

There’s a greater room than ever these days for pop music to explore the less glamorous and less polished sides of life – in other words, to let be musicians be as messy and chaotic as we all are in exploring our own feelings. Into that breach step Finches, a new musical duo who have been working on their own brand of what they call “insecure pop”.
Their references range from some of the cream of the contemporary indie crop such as Wolf Alice and Arlo Parks to more nostalgic folkers like Sparklehorse and Elliot Smith, shot through with an honest and self-deprecating sensibility that makes them ideal spokespeople for the anxious Generation Z.
Finches’ new single “Ooooo” is a shot of pure vulnerability and introspection that already feels trademark for them. On the song, they say, “The combination of introspective songwriting and cinematic production creates an angst-fueled anthem, uniting listeners who have experienced the feeling that you’ll have to change who you are in order to satisfy your partner in a relationship.”
In their own way, they’re exuding the confidence of artists who know exactly who they are and have accepted it unquestionably. It’s an exciting approach with a huge amount of potential for the future, so we chatted to them about…

If you could revive one fashion trend, which would it be?

We’re both big film watchers, well, except Daniel can’t shut up for more than 20 minutes at a time, so there’s a lot of unwanted commentary, arguments, and rewinding. Oscar is also a Director, so we definitely get a lot of inspiration from Films we watch.We try to make our music videos reflect the films we love to watch. Our latest music video takes references from Requiem for a dream, Gummo and Trainspotting.
– Our manager Sam – basically our second father, makes sure we go to bed on time. We love you sam xoxo
Oscar: Never have I ever shat myself on a bus, but the person next to me has.