Rising star SAHRA discusses her creative heroes, her bold career goals and the joys of spring.

SAHRA grew up fully immersed in the world of music, both in her studies at London’s prestigious Trinity Laban college and also in the simple activity of enjoying her dad’s Somalian music at home. It fostered within her an interest in the sheer breadth of music whilst always keeping things tied to home.


Her music career has already gotten off to an impressive start, with a gamut of music festivals, collaborations and impressive co-signs racked up – a sign of the sheer appeal of the authenticity that SAHRA will always bring to that music. It’s that confidence that has allowed her to go a step further in her latest release, her first since before the pandemic.


SAHRA’s new tune, “Sorry”, is a work of elevated vulnerability informed by the opportunity for quiet provided within the depths of lockdown, reflecting on the mistakes made in a past relationship with an introspection reflecting an artist in total control of her work.


It’s a highly promising release from an artist worth getting to know, so we sat down with SAHRA to chat about her current obsessions, her hopes for the music industry and her creative development.

If you could bring three music icons to a dinner party, dead or alive, who would you bring?

Nina Simone, Linda Lewis and Betty Carter.

If you could revive one fashion trend what would it be?

The freedom of the 70’s: bright colours, bold outfits. I’m picturing Earth Wind and Fire or Diana Ross. I love the way people played with masculinity and femininity.

One thing you want to change about the music industry?

Transparency. I think like many industries there’s too many secrets: whether it’s people posing on instagram, labels locking people in dodgy deals or streaming services robbing artists. It often feels like everyone’s pretending to be ok with a system that only works for the few. So I wish everything was more transparent, maybe then we could make some changes.

What are you currently obsessed with?

Snickers Ice cream.

What song always gets you hyped when you hear it in the club?

The Ed Case/Sweetie Irie remix of Clint Eastwood by Gorillaz

How have you developed creatively over the past year?

I’ve put more trust in myself. I’ve started getting my hands around logic and recording myself at the studio playing piano, layering voices and strings which has given me so much freedom.

What’s your life mantra?

Maya Angelou’s “Still I Rise” .

Favourite season?

Spring. I have a dog so I really notice the change in nature each season. After the dark months of winter, the colours and life in spring bring me the most joy.

What is your biggest pinch-me moment so far?

I went into a cafe a few weeks ago and they were playing my song with Mom Tudie and Quinn Oulton. It felt crazy hearing my music out in the world.

Biggest goal for 2022?

To keep writing and creating with and for as many people as possible. I want to keep finding new sounds, new ways of working, collaborating and discovering new music. I love performing but I think the real magic happens in the studio.

Finish the sentence: I feel happiest when…

I feel happiest when I’ve found a new record to listen to. I take my dog for a walk and dance around the park come rain or shine.

Watch SAHRA below: