Multidisciplinary creative Igor Elie-Pierre (IGOR360) releases stunning new video Merged Subjects and music project, PivoT.

Igor Elie-Pierre, known as IGOR360, is a multidisciplinary designer and electronic music artist based in Paris, NYC, and Toronto. His work spans fine arts, design, fashion, and performance arts, with a notable presence in the fashion industry through his evocative photography featured in Essence and regular appearances at Paris and New York Fashion Weeks. Igor’s latest venture, a groundbreaking EP titled PivoT and an accompanying avant-garde dance film, Merged Subjects, promises to redefine artistic expression and digital communication.


PivoT is a sonic tapestry that blends diverse genres and cultural influences, reflecting Igor’s global perspective. The EP’s laid-back yet expressive compositions invite listeners on a kinesthetic journey of musical exploration, luring them in with mosaics of electronic synths and sounds.

Merged Subjects features contemporary dancers Emma Gordon and Madison Lynch. Through intuitive movements and captivating visuals, the film explores the performers’ interaction with an unseen digital audience, delving into themes of moral intuition and intersubjectivity. This project underscores Igor’s belief in the communicative and psychological power of dance and music.


His impact extends beyond the realms of fashion, music and contemporary dance,  as he embarks on a quest for authenticity and emotional connection in digital communication. “I am an advocate for more humanity in the messages we spread online as personal or commercial brands,” he says. By merging diverse disciplines and mediums, Igor creates art that offers a profound emotional journey, inviting audiences to connect on a deeper level.

Watch Merged Subjects now: