Luxury Goods are back with a hypnotising new single “Tiny Moving Parts”.

Gearing up for a new EP, Luxury Goods return with a new summer single, “Tiny Moving Parts”. Tackling themes including self-doubt and confidence, it follows from previous track release “Again”.


Genre-spanning with nods to various eras, the standouts of the new track are punchy synths and strong guitar hooks. Describing it as ‘the most fun to record’, these are layered with singer Leonie’s complex vocals, moving between spoken word and melodic flicks. The narrative arch is captivating, as the group hopes the track will “remind everyone who needs it that we’re allowed to move on from that voice, and that self-reflection shouldn’t turn into self-hatred.”


Leonie further discusses their goals overall, explaining that “Tiny Moving Parts came from a place where I was sick and tired of always tearing myself down. We can be very vicious to ourselves and have a lot of internalised expectations of who we should be and what we should look like. It takes a lot of strength to tune out the external opinions we stack up in our minds and to reclaim our confidence.”

Stream "Tiny Moving Parts" below: