- Words Yazzi Gokcemen
With a new rock anthem completing their EP, rising band The Kid and I are headed in the right direction, sounding strong.
New rockers on the block, The Kid and I have kicked off 2024 with a bang. Last Friday, the London four-piece dropped ‘Wonder Pt. 2’, a headbanging rock anthem which completes their inaugural EP release Where Did The Good Times Go. The project marks a milestone, showcasing the two-year-old band’s versatility, evolution and distinctive take on the sounds of classic rock.
For founding member, and the quartet’s lead vocalist and guitarist, Jacob Powell, the significance of ‘Wonder Pt. 2’ is especially profound. “It is the finale piece of this whole EP and a statement to myself…that there is hope and that you can get better and achieve your dreams and live a good life, no matter how bad you feel right now.”
Despite its thrill and upbeat energy, ‘Wonder Pt. 2’ was born out of lockdown – when Powell (pre-forming The Kid and I) was grieving the loss of his father and grandparents. Banding together with drummer Henry Jennings, bass player Daniel Malek and fellow vocalist-guitarist Etienne Treyvayne in 2022, Jacob Powell processed his grief in returning to ‘Wonder’.

Splitting what was initially one song into two parts has proved a successful creative decision. Released last year, ‘Wonder Pt. 1’ is more akin to a rock ballad, featuring a slower tempo, fluid drums and poignant vocals with a melancholic tone. Towards the end, sonics crescendo as powerful drums take over, leaving listeners, indeed, wondering.
‘Pt. 2’ is a seamless continuation, yet the mood shift is palpable. A fast tempo and thrashing drums reflect a sense of strength and self-assurance whilst heartfelt lyrics, sung in a raspy voice, maintain a steady enthrall. Satisfying yet thought-provoking, the outro sees drums calm as unexpected string instrumentals enter, taking over the foreground in a wistful symphony. It’s an enticing end to the cohesive first chapter of The Kid and I’s musical career.