- Words Yasmine Dankwah
Celeste left us with our hearts on our sleeves, creating an experience that was serene and intimate at her sold-out Omeara performances.
Captured by her voice, which is delicate yet cuts through you like a knife, Celeste never ceases to leave you almost breathless, and this doesn’t stop being the case live. As soon as the star took to the stage with the bluesy ‘Both Sides Of The Moon’, it felt as though we had transcended time and space. Every moment seemed limitless and space became irrelevant, as we hung onto every softly sung word.
A sea of sways and head nods, we were all connected and captivated by her heartfelt and almost gut-wrenching lyricism. The accompaniment of live instruments brought her performance all the more to life. And if you thought the performance couldn’t get more viscerally raw, Celeste sang her ballad ‘Strange’, which saw her strip all of the instrumentals back, her piercing voice, only accompanied by piano.
It appears that a talent such as Celeste only comes around rarely, what’s more inviting about the enchantress is the humility that Celeste encompasses. It appears she hasn’t fully realised the sheer power and talent she has just yet, but when she enviably does it’ll be world domination for this star.