- Words Notion Staff
- Photography Theo Batterham
Josie Man takes Notion along for the ride as she headlines the BBC Introducing stage at Reading and Leeds festival this weekend.
Photos 1 & 2: This was me headlining the BBC Introducing stage at Reading!! I’ve never been to Reading and Leeds Fest and to go there for the first time and play with my band is a dream!!! The crowd was amazing! The vibes were FABulous!! I felt so alive once I’d finished.

Photo 3: I’m in the guest section (ooo fancy) waiting patiently and very nervously for my set (8pm) with my special people!! They make me feel so safe!! Note my band member Ben Thomson in the background.


Photo 5: Me in my Gucci shades, which I deffo didn’t need to wear cos it was so cloudy. Never mind. I love them! Photo taken by the incredible Theo Batterham.

Photo 6: My friend/bass player Fi Walker. In her custom piece by @lollie (@oliviatalbotklein) So gorgeous! I wore a dress made by her at Leeds festival.

Photo 7: Just me, my everyday rings, and my name on the line up poster!!

Photo 8: Me in a big BBC Introducing deck chair. It looks comfy but I’m afraid it cut the blood circulation in my legs and was really hard to get off of, haha! But it’s okay, it’s still a lovely deck chair!