Fresh from releasing his debut EP ‘Bonnie Hill’, rising rap artist Archy Moor talks his dream collaborations, brotherhoods and Dublin's creative scene.

Dublin’s flourishing rap scene’s given birth to a myriad of talent at the turn of the century. From Rejjie Snow to Kojaque and Biig Piig to Jafaris, the city continues to augment as artists reshape its musical landscape. Undeniably next up from the Metropolitan County is Archy Moor, who’s infiltrating the hip-hop game with his anecdotal tales and an elusive presence. The 21-year-old just released his debut EP ‘Bonnie Hill’: a project that intricately dictates his being as a Nigerian Born, Dublin based wordsmith and musician.


Before the EP, Archy only had five singles to his name. Revelling in a relatively lo-fi and soulful sound, the tracks gathered pace and had blogs scrambling to find out more about the artist. Standout cut “The Long Road”, with its triumphant trumpet loops and subtle boom bap drums, features London songwriter Osquello, who lends his direct delivery and potent wordplay to the beat.


Released earlier this year, “I’ve Been” is the enigmatic lead single from ‘Bonnie Hill’. Courtesy of Earl Saga, the instrumental’s motionable textures revolve underneath Archy’s flow patterns and wispy hook. The track was made on a recent trip to South Korea and conveys his inner most thoughts with admirable vulnerability.


Now that the EP’s in the open, 2023 will undoubtedly be a milestone year for Archy. To celebrate, we spoke with him about his dream collaborations, brotherhoods and Dublin’s creative scene.

Hi Archy, how are you and how’s life been treating you so far in 2023?
I’m great! I can’t complain. I’m happy to be living, breathing, creating, so good energy this year so far!
You’ve just released your amazing new single “I’ve Been”, which was made on a recent excursion to South Korea. How do you think the trip influenced the sound and construction of the song?
Man, the creation of the song was so left. The excitement of heading out there was so much that instead of last minute packing we (myself and Earl Saga) whipped up the instrumental’s bones a few hours before we left. We had a 13 hour plane journey so I wrote the lyrics in that time, then we landed, rocked up to Sony and bought a nice looking camera and shot some visuals. Heading out to Korea was such a “let’s just do it and see what happens” thing between Earl and I. The making of the song definitely followed that approach but the end result was beautiful and something I’m mad proud of.
You shot and edited the music video out there by yourself, is this something that you’d like to do more of in the future?
Of course! It was such a buzz. I did some video editing in uni so the process wasn’t completely alien to me, but I definitely want to hone into that side of my creativity and produce some interesting things. It’s a rewarding and inspiring process handling the visual identity from start to finish and knowing that this is 100% the vision you thought up. You’ll definitely catch more Archy visuals soon.
‘Bonnie Hill’ will be your first official EP release, congratulations! How are you feeling about releasing a more substantial body of work and why is 2023 the right year to do so?
I’ve been toying with the idea of putting our a project for a minute, but I don’t think I was ready up until this point. I have been cleaning my craft and surrounding myself with the right energy; things like that take a lot of time and I wasn’t in any rush to do it. So, I let it happen naturally and when it eventually aligned I knew it would be go time. That’s now. Everything is in a great space; the love and work has been put into this project, so I’m excited to be able to share that with people.

The EP’s name is shared with the Hollywood actress Bonnie Hill. Was this a conscious decision or does the name take on a different meaning?

Oh swear? I haven’t heard of her before, but I’m going to check out her work tonight. There’s no correlation though. The reasoning for the name ‘Bonnie Hill’ is because I was in Los Angeles last year finishing up a recording of the project and the area we were staying at was called Bonnie Hill. I felt that name landed perfectly being that it was the place where the whole journey ended.

Across the project, You’ve worked closely with the incredibly talented producer Earl Saga. Can you tell us about your friendship both in music and beyond?

As close to a brother as you can get without being blood, that’s what I see Earl as, which is funny because I’ve only known him over a year now. We linked over a zoom during lockdown and I swear that our energies gelled from the get go! He shares the same outlook, so we’re always on the same page. I’d fly over from Dublin to Milton Keynes where he’s staying to chill, because why not. We have a plan and its’ definitely becoming realised, step by step!

Beyond Earl Saga, which producers or rappers would you like to work with in the future?

I actually don’t know. I don’t have a list of dream collaborations, I go with the flow and if something happens then I’m grateful. I would say The Alchemist would be insane to work with. Navy Blue would also be dope. I do love singers as well, Joyce Wrice is amazing.

How do you think you and your work has evolved on this EP? Did you discover anything new about yourself as an artist whilst making it?

It’s so interesting to see and actually hear the progression in my confidence and my willingness to share stories. Like I said I’ve been toying with the idea of a project for a long time and with that I’ve made a few demos. Going back to listen to those first cuts on one hand makes me cringe but on the other gives a good energy. I think I discovered that I need to back myself more than I initially did and It’s not the opinions of others that should shape what I’m doing.

Ireland’s got a strong and quickly growing rap scene, with names like TraviS and Kojaque killing it as well as yourself. Why do you think the scene is so healthy at the moment?

Hunger! We’ve got a lot of that at the minute, hunger and insane creativity, and people are starting to see it! Trust me we’re coming to make a strong impact.

Beyond the EP, is there anything else you’d like to achieve this year? Do you have any tours or collaboration planned?

Hopefully a self made tour, if you can call it that. I’ll be in the states and Asia again this year seeing what strings I can pull show or collaboration wise. I need to be present to make it happen but it’s all super exciting stuff. I Have a couple of collaborations already in the bank that I’m excited for, but you’ll have to hold on and wait for those!

Stream 'Bonnie Hill' below: