Currently embarking on a North American tour, Chiiild speaks his forthcoming record, performing in London and being a nomadic spirit.

The wait is nearly over for Montreal multi-hyphenate Chiiild’s new album Better Luck In The Next Life. Having channelled his recent musical energy into the project, the Canadian teased fans with a run of singles in late 2022 and at the start of this year. Open and honest, it possesses his inherent sound, whilst delicately experimenting with a myriad of others: from soul to indie and R&B. 


Kicking off this month, Chiiild is currently on tour in North America, bringing the new album and his lauded back-catalogue to every corner of Canada and the States. New York, Los Angeles and Chicago are just a few major cities the multi-instrumentalist graces over the next month and a half of relentless gigging. 


On the new record, he admits that it’s autobiographical in nature. Relaying his personal experiences with a nonchalant charm, he passionately delivers vignettes over various genre-blending productions. Features from Lucky Daye, Alina Baraz, Charlotte Cardin and Caitlyn Scarlett add scope to the other-worldly soundscapes, completing a coherent third album that goes down as his most sonically advanced. 


We spoke with Chiiild about all things ‘Better Luck In The Next Life’, his North American tour and much more. 

Hi Chiiild, how are you? Where are you residing currently and what’s life like there?

I am in Los Angeles, CA and life is pretty zen but it’s currently snowing which is very unusual.

Your most recent single, “Antidote”, is another compelling listen. Where did you write this one, and what were the inspirations behind it?

“Antidote” was written at my house in California with my buddy Mick Coogan. We started with the guitar riff that basically inspired the rest of it. Instead of going into something grungy we gave it a chill energy. I would say the most prominent inspirations are Incubus and Coldplay.

At this early stage, what are you excited for fans to hear, and conversely, do you have any specific worries or reservations about bringing the project out?

I am excited for people to hear it in order. A lot of the story reveals itself in context with the rest of the songs. I’m truly not worried about this project coming out! I’m glad I get to share it and reveal more about my story.

Being such a multifaceted artist, playing the guitar, singing and song-writing, is there a particular pocket of music that you feel most comfortable with? And why do you think that it’s important to be confident in a range of areas?

A lot of music is rooted in the same thing. It is just defined after it is created, so the process for me no matter if it is R&B or alternative, is all coming from the same place and through a very similar process. It’s all music in the end.

In March, you’ll be embarking on an extensive American tour, playing everywhere from Austin to Chicago. How are you feeling now it’s just around the corner?

I am excited to get the first show underway and start feeling the excitement and adrenaline from the fans. It feels really good to connect with people in person. It definitely gets easier after a few shows.

Would you say that, as an artist, you’re suited to the tour life? Can you write and make music on your travels too?

I am pretty nomadic at heart. I constantly travel with my friends, so I’d be good to travel all year long if I could just bring my dog.

Over here in the UK, the cost of touring, especially for artists to perform in America, has become so expensive. Are artists in North America experiencing similar issues?

We are. It is insanely expensive. Once we start considering flights it becomes a nightmare. Baggage fees really add up and issues like that come constantly, so it is tough to make it all work, but it is worth getting out there and being on stages all around the country and the world.

Do you have plans to come and perform in Britain anytime soon?

As soon as I possibly can I will be there. I have a special connection with London specifically because I wrote “Hell And High Water” there, as well as “Count Me Out”.

Beyond the tour and your forthcoming album, is there anything else you’re looking forward to doing in 2023?

Just traveling and sharing the music in person. I will eventually get back into the studio to make more music, but until then just traveling.

Stream the album below: