- Words Cal McIntyre
- Photography Frank Fieber
Get ready to fall for your new R&B Goddess, AWA, as her heavenly vocals take us to higher skies in her latest track 'Too Late For That'. We catch up with the enchantress to talk all things AWA!
We have been keeping our eyes on this Swedish modern muse for some time now as her voice transcends international waters and it seems like the rest of the world is finally catching up to miss AWA.
Sitting at the intersection of 90s classic R&B and modern-day reimaginations, AWA is at the forefront of a new wave of the genre. Already, AWA’s delicate falsettos are a signature staple to her idiosyncratic brand of R&B whilst her storytelling puts her years beyond her age with its mature introspection and prolific vulnerability.
More than a one to watch, AWA has had quite the journey so far, proving that she is definitely on the right path, doing exactly what she should be doing. At just 15, AWA won the Swedish X-Factor, earning her stripes and proving she has the chops to go all the way, which is what she is going to do.
There’s something familiar about AWA – her songs reach out and grab you as if you knew them already before from a dream. The way she writes, and then transcends those lyrics into something greater is a testament to the sheer talent AWA encompasses. We have only just scratched the surface of what this young woman can do, so be prepared to slip into the smooth and silky groove of what AWA has to offer.
We caught up with the songstress amidst isolation to see how she’s doing after the release of her incredible and moving new track ‘Too Late For That’ featuring BJ The Chicago Kid!

If you could summarise it, what would be the story of how you became a musician?
I´ve always been expressing myself through singing and dancing since I was a little kid, I used to annoyingly just stand in front of the TV and have my own little concerts. My mom made it possible for me to part-take in singing lessons, dancing and acting amongst other activities as a young child! I enrolled in a classical music school to sing in a Choir, it was an incredible experience and I love to harmonize, could do that for hours. At the age of 14, I auditioned for the first-ever round of X-Factor in Sweden and a very eventful period of my life started. Juggling both school and a new very intense schedule I made it to the final and won. It’s still quite surreal looking back at that, the show was definitely a catalyst to where I am today and for that, I’m very grateful
How would you describe your sound?
I like to describe my sound as RnB/Pop, although I believe that there are infinite possibilities to where one’s sound can go, genres are quite fluid today which I like! It makes it exciting and interesting to try and always improve and create something fresh in the studio!
What are some of your first memories of music?
I remember just singing my heart out to Whitney and Destiny´s Child at home with my fake microphone and playing dress-up. I had a lot of fun just getting lost in a fantasy world and feeling as if I was on the big stages already! With the best of audiences, my mom.

What’s the best part of being an artist? The worst?
The best part is that you get to share something you’ve created that can have an impact on someone’s life, big or small. I guess the worst is quite common in any creative lane, a sense of imposter syndrome, that your craft can be criticized and compared even though there is actually no need for that. Questioning your ability to perform and be “perfect”, I think the best approach to that is to try to not take yourself to seriously and focus on the fun parts! That is definitely applicable to anything in life tbh and is a journey to embark on.
What is something that not many people would know about you?
Hmmm, that I love to cook? Personally I would say that I’m quite good at it, thanks to my grandma. Love to experiment and combine new things in the kitchen, don’t really believe in recipes and just think its better to cook with your heart. As I´ve grown older its so fun to learn more about food from Senegal where my dad is from. Made a banging Jollof rice w my best friend recently, just saying.
What energy do you want to give off when you perform live?
Good vibes only. I want a space where people feel free and welcomed to just enjoy together. Unity is very beautiful.

What are you most looking forward to in right now?
Right now I’m looking forward to releasing my EP and then be able to fully focus on creating my album.
What does being in love feel like for you?
A warm and fuzzy feeling, but I´ve also decided that the best kind of love should make you feel 100% safe in every aspect. Not saying things are always perfect but that at the core of it, you feel calm and secure. Would say that has to start from within first to manifest fully in a companionship, right now I’m focusing on falling fully in love with myself.

What is the best piece of advice you have been given?
To breathe.
Do you have a favourite lyric you’ve written right now?
´I’m out of love but you´re still invited, can’t fuck it up if there´s no defining us´
If you could say one thing to baby AWA, what would it be?
Everything will be just fine and you´ll be very proud of yourself for just doing your best.
What do you miss the most right now?
My beautiful mother since we´re in different countries. Love her.