- Words Cal McIntyre
- Photography Chase Zalewski
- Fashion Katie Qian
- Hair Athena Alberto
- Makeup Samuel Rueda
- Fashion Assistant Katie Bone
- Production Studio Notion
Chantel Jeffries has been spinning decks and turning heads ever since she got behind the booth. We get her behind the camera for the first instalment of our monthly InstaZine!
Chantel Jeffries – the mysterious girl who emerged in the spotlight a few years ago and instantly began causing waves around her. The girl next door didn’t have to say too much as she let her DJing and producing do the talking for her.
In only just a few short years, Chantel Jeffries – known as Ceejay The Dj – is one of the most sought after selectors in the game. After bagging residencies in Las Vegas and playing out the biggest festivals in the world, Chantel is continuing her winning streak with her Billboard 100 single ‘Chase The Summer’. With no sign of slowing down, Chantel is embarking on becoming one of the best female producers in the game; something that is long overdue in an industry that is male-dominated.
With more music in the works, Chantel creates music that makes you dream of LA in the summertime, where there’s no such thing as slowing down. What’s refreshing about Chantel is her ability to not take herself too seriously – especially in front of the eyes of the millions who are tracking her every move. Her quick-wit and intelligent humour, particularly online, creates the feeling that Chantel is the friend you have admired for years. It’s clear she doesn’t have an agenda except for making music that people want to have a good time to.
With so much darkness in the world, sometimes you need a little bit of fun in your life. Maybe that fun is Chantel Jeffries – you never know unless you try.
You can view the InstaZine here!

- Dress & Gloves Kim Shui
- Shoes White Fox
- Earrings Lili Claspe

- Dress & Gloves Kim Shui
- Shoes White Fox
- Earrings Lili Claspe
So Chantel, how did you begin your journey into the music industry?
Well, I’ve always been interested in a lot of different genres in music – so, naturally, I started making playlists and just trying to see as many different performers and DJs as I possibly could. I named those playlists ‘Ceejay The DJ’, and people started getting in touch about wanting to book me in certain clubs and events – I just thought to myself “yeah, lets actually do this.”. Then, of course, I really studied how to DJ which naturally led me into producing.

- Dress For Love and Lemons
- Earrings Topshop

- Dress For Love and Lemons
- Earrings Topshop

- Coat House of CB
- Earrings Vintage
Do you have any rituals or routines you perform before you get behind the decks?
I just need to be in the venue to get the vibe from the audience. Being in the same space that I am playing in is really important. I get to feel the energy the audience is giving out and feed that into my set.
How do you keep yourself so inspired?
Being in a new place with new people will always inspire my energy. In terms of music, I try to listen to at least 150 new songs a day.

- Bodysuit For Love and Lemons
- Tights Fendi
- Earrings Ettika

- Dress & Gloves Kim Shui
What is your creative process like?
In any song or anything that makes me feel good, I try to pinpoint exactly what it is that made me feel that way and then work that into my tracks.
On a different note, where do you get your fashion inspiration from?
To be honest, I get a lot of my inspiration from movies. Depending on what I’m watching at the time, whether it’s where the movie is shot, or what era the movie is set in, that inspires my overall look a lot.

- Jacket Death By Dolls

- Jacket Death By Dolls
What’s been the highlight of your year so far?
I’ve been in Vegas a bunch this year which is amazing – but one of my highlights has been being able to play in big legendary venues with other artists who I respect and admire so much.
If your track ‘Chase The Summer’ a perfect representation of who you are as an artist?
‘Chase The Summer’ is a really accurate representation of who I am. It encompasses my vibe, and when it comes to music I really love uptempo and happy vibes. I just wanted to create a track that represented summer by the pool and having a good time. Not everything has to be so serious all the time, particularly when it comes to music. Just wanting to let loose and have fun with your best friends is all you need. Sometimes, it’s the best thing you can do to take care of yourself and I wanted to create a track that was the embodiment of that feeling.