Meet Caroline Rose, New York's all-red-wearing, frantic-pop-playing, singer-songwriter.

Social media has changed the way we interact with our favourite artists. More than just musicians, they’re now personalities, people we can interact with on the daily. Now more than ever we’re aware that musicians are pretty normal people, they just have a weird job. Every week we get to know one of our favourite SoundCloud heroes, internet dating style, in our new column, Internet Crush.


Caroline Rose is in a league of her own. A New York-based singer-songwriter that dresses exclusively in the colour red, she’s unlike any other artist out there today. Her new album LONER marks a dramatic shift in her sound, bringing wild organ solos, frantic guitar riffs and off the walls hooks to her Americana-roots. As her sound has grown more confident and direct so too has Caroline, starring in her theatrical, DIY music videos and expanding the universe around her new record in the process. We caught up with Caroline Rose for this week’s Internet Crush to find out her favourite colour (you’d be surprised), the inspiration behind her eccentric videos and the first time she smelled weed.

Who’s the biggest inspiration for your videos?

I’m heavily inspired by film and stories. Almodovar is my favourite director, I love his use of colour to bring out the absurdity in his work. I’m also a big fan of David Lynch, Wes Anderson, Agnes Varda, the designer Iris Abfel, and the absurdist realism of Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

What’s your favourite shade of red?

PMS 485.

Would you rather be a pop star or a punk icon?

I’d rather be an ageing pop star who then becomes a punk icon.

Who do you roll with?

Queers, freaks, geeks, losers, & weirdos.

Describe your sound in just a sentence:

Blondie drunk on mai tais.

Favourite colour (we ask everyone this I swear):


Favourite movie:

Cool Hand Luke.

What’s your star sign?


Have you ever been in love?

Yes, a few times and they’ve all been both wonderful and horrible!

Have you ever had your heart broken? 

Yes only once.

How do you deal with a broken heart?

I write a bunch of songs, most of them extremely cringeworthy.

Last book you read:

Fear by Thich Nhat Hahn.

First single/album you ever bought?

My first album was Take Off Your Pants and Jacket by Blink 182! It was banned in my household so I had to buy it secretly.

First band/act you ever went to see live?

Incubus at Madison Square Garden. I went with my whole family. I must have been 13, it was the first time I ever experienced the smell of pot.

Earliest memory?

My mom’s vagina.

What do you do in your spare time?

I regret that time I talked about my mom’s vagina in an interview question.

Are you a morning or evening person?

Well, funny you ask because I used to be a morning person but I’ve really been crushing nights these days.

First song you ever wrote?

It was called “Out of Time”. I performed it at my high school talent show and WON that shit (brushes shoulder).

Favourite song of your own?

“To Die Today” is my favourite to listen to. “Jeannie Becomes a Mom” is my favourite to play.

Favourite lyric?

“The sunset’s just my light bulb burning out” is a line that’s stuck with me for over a decade now. It’s a line from a Ryan Adams song called “Oh My Sweet Carolina”. It’s both beautiful and dystopian, a perfect way to describe hopelessness, disillusionment, or just feeling plain ol’ depressed.