Manchester indie-pop artist Freak Slug tells Notion about her new single, DIY approach, and how she defines love.

Freak Slug is the newest indie star who should be on your radar. Hailing from Manchester –  real-name Xenya Genovese – is an artist, producer and songwriter ready to share her talents with the world.


Her latest single, “Sorry Not Sorry”, comes from a forthcoming EP ‘I’m In Love’, set for release on Friday 22nd July. Coming alongside a self-directed video, Freak Slug lets loose her creative talents for the glistening visuals. She describes the track as “full of attitude and fire. It brings unapologetic confidence to the audience in a playful and energetic way, reminding us never to apologise for how great we are, or for those who never believed in us.”


Her writing style is unapologetic, fearless, and brimming with blazing honesty, as the EP seeks to empower women and help others discover their unique selves. We caught up with Freak Slug to chat about her upcoming releases, creative process, plans for 2022 and more.

Your EP ‘I’m In Love’ is dropping soon. What was your creative process like?

I like to be alone mainly, I don’t do big groups of people, it dilutes the magic. I prefer working on a track either just me or me Nico and glue70.

Can you dive into the experiences that inspired the record?

It’s music to inspire people on their own life journeys, realise their powers and potentials, kind of shakin n’ waking people up out of their hazy daze.

What does love feel like for you?

Love feels cool. I’ve got lots of it somewhere. To be honest I’m kinda wild and kinda chill. Love feels like dancing, eating and good lamps.

Which song from the EP are you most excited to release?

I’m excited about “sorry not sorry” because it’s got more attitude which is the kind of direction I’m wanting to take freak slug. That’s how my friends know me, so I think it’s time to show that part of me. I’m also excited for “Magic, I get it” because it’s a song to remind people who the F they are.

You take a very DIY approach with your music videos – what do you love most about the creation process?

I love the control haha. No, but honestly when an artist can direct the whole spherical world of their vision, the outcome is closer to their heart and therefore more authentic. Who doesn’t love authenticity in this world of plastic facades if you catch my drift?

What are the biggest obstacles you face when making music videos and other creative visuals?

I don’t face many obstacles honestly. I love directing, editing, if I can film, I will. It’s all fun and games and I enjoy it just as much as making music.

If your music were a flavour, which would it be?

Soda grape comes to mind, but then mixed with some weird ones, liquorice and palms violet feels about right.

How does the character of Freak Slug differ from your own?

I’m still getting there. Like I said, it’s a process showing all of yourself to the world. Who I want to show is the wild woman, free spirited in nature and a lot of attitude.

What do you hope to achieve in the rest of 2022?

I want to show more of myself, because by being myself I will inspire others with the confidence to be themselves. I already know I do that in my personal life, so why not globalise this notion (and nation) with actual NICE THINGS.What else… I want to make more spicy juices. And travel more, which honestly I’m doing already but looking to double all of what I do.