- Words Mike Vinti
California's KYLE is the kind of rapper you want to bring home to your mum. We meet the Lil Yachty collaborator for this week's Internet Crush.
Social media has changed the way we interact with our favourite artists. More than just musicians, they’re now personalities, people we can interact with on the daily. Now more than ever we’re aware that musicians are pretty normal people, they just have a weird job. Every week we get to know one of our favourite SoundCloud heroes, internet dating style, in our new column, Internet Crush.
Rap music is in a weird place right now. The traditional models have broken, and in their place, a new breed of wacky, off the wall MCs has risen. Ventura, California’s KYLE is one of the best of them. A graduate from the Chance the Rapper/ Lil Yachty school of rap he’s made a name for himself with a lighthearted take on modern hip hop, flirting with trap, pop rap and old school boom bap all at once, often eschewing the lyrical tropes of contemporary rap for songs about love and just being a fun guy. You’ll probably know him best from the Yachty featuring ‘ISpy’, but his new album Light of Mine drops tomorrow and is well worth a listen. We met the super duper rap rap star for this week’s Internet Crush.
Where’s the best place for a date in Ventura?
I’d say go to the beach real quick, have a little walk on the beach. Then go up to Lure, that’s this restaurant right on the beach. You got to get to Lure as the sun is setting. Let me set you the scene; you got to be on the beach with the girl, chilling, both watch the sunset a little bit, then both turn around and start walking up to Lure as the sun is setting in the background. You then ask a random stranger to take a picture of you….with the sun in the background. Then you go into Lure and have yourselves a nice little, candle-lit dinner up in there.
What’s the Best Ol’ Dirty Bastard song?
‘Brooklyn Zoo’. Are you kidding me?
Shame on you, when you step through to, The Ol’ Dirty Bastard, Brooklyn Zoo!
That’s the best one for sure, because the video is so good… when they pack like 16 people in one hallway. It’s incredible.
Who’s the most fun rapper you’ve ever met?
That’s a really hard one because so many of them are hella cool. Damn. I’d say the fun-est rapper for me is my homie Buddy, he’s got to be the rapper out here having the most fun. I don’t think there’s any time where Buddy is concerned about anything really besides having a good time.
Who’s your go-to Smash Bros character?
Star Fox. Badda Boom.
Who do you roll with?
The Lord.
Describe your sound in just a sentence:
Erm…energetic, exciting examples of truth and optimism, BOOM.

Favourite colour:
Favourite movie:
The Great Debaters.
What’s your star sign?
I’m a Taurus.
Have you ever been in love?
Of course, I’m currently in love.
Have you ever had your heartbroken?
Big time. To my core.
How do you feel with a broken heart?
Like a small hamster, with no other hamster in the cage.
Last book you read:
First single/album you ever bought?
‘Beg For Mercy’ – G Unit.
First band/act you ever went to see live?
Lupe Fiasco.
Earliest memory?
Walking up to my Grandmother’s house.
What do you do in your spare time?
Play XBox.
Are you a morning or evening person?
First song you ever wrote?
I was six-years-old and it was called ‘Mrs. Wonderful’.
Favourite song of your own?
‘All Alright’.
Favourite lyric?
“How you gonna win when, you ain’t right within?” – Lauren Hill, ‘Doo Wop (That Thing)’.
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