Imogen Mahdavi has dropped her sensitive new song about heartbreak, "Late Night Calls".

Imogen Mahdavi describes her music as voicing “the feelings we’ve all experienced and haven’t found the words to say out loud”, tapping into the power of music to go well beyond the spoken word and to something more essential in the human experience.


She proudly incorporates her Iranian heritage into her music, creating thoughtful and exciting fusions between Eastern and Western culture in her sounds. In a way, she poses as a guide to the listener – exposing them to cultures they may not know much about, and allowing them to access feelings that they might not allow themselves to feel.


Her new tune, “Late Night Calls”, turns the lens on the universal experience of heartbreak. Mahdavi’s rich vocals instantly draw the listener in to a moody atmosphere that slowly builds into a thrilling expression of feeling – it’s the excitement of Mahdavi allowing her emotions to spill over that drives the song, and all the instrumental surprises that brings.


Describing the song as arising from her own experiences, Mahdavi says, “In some ways I think I needed to cry it out and dance it out at the same time. It all felt so painful to write and yet all this energy came out in the songs. It’s like my mind didn’t know where I needed to be but my heart knew in a few months of healing I would want to dance and scream and smile again. I just trusted the process.”

Watch the music video below: