- Words Adina Ilie
Impossible to replicate, half man-half meme meet Oliver tree. The master in being the quirkiest character in alt-elect pop!
Man of many many talents, American based vocalist, producer, filmmaker and professional scooter rider Oliver Tree has been taking over the alt-electro scene with every monster truck jump, since the release of his single “When I’m down” which transformed this real-life meme into a viral sensation. With nearly 3 million monthly listeners and 40million streams on his single “Alien boy” on Spotify alone, no wonder some of the biggest names in music such as Frank Ocean, Nero and Tyler The Creator want this pop prankster as an opening performance for their show – he’s really and truly one of a kind.
Besides spending his free time monster truck jumping on his trusty razor scooter that he brings everywhere, literately, this dynamic daredevil creates some of the wildest visuals with the deepest and most darkly humoured concepts ever seen. Strategically aligning his eccentric persona with his quasi-comical style to craft an extremely unique genre-defying sound Tree’s music has landed and ready to transport us to his alien home planet, where memes are fashion. Taking over the stage at some of the worlds biggest music festivals like Coachella, Lollapalooza and Outside Lands Oliver Tree is not only bringing us his high energy and edgy sound, but his signature 90’s look consisting of a stark bowler cut, the widest denim skater jeans you will ever see, dixie cut windbreaker and of course we wouldn’t forget, his razor scooter.
We get up close and personal with the daredevil himself, to discuss some of our most intimate questions…

What is the closest you’ve ever come to death?
A scooter contest on the Street Craze Scooter Tour in 2011. I did a flair (Backflip with a 180) and I over rotated, landing on my head. My helmet saved my life, but I was knocked out for a good ten minutes.
Tell us, what is your first memory of music?
My first real music memory was when my mom was driving me to soccer practice and the radio played “All Star” from the band Smash Mouth. All I remember is when the drums dropped I started crying my eyes out and by the third chorus, I was singing along!
What’s your star sign? (and are you a typical *whatever your sign is*?)
I’m a Cancer, but have no clue beyond that because I’ve never had time to look into it.
When was the first time you had your heart broken? (who by? how did it feel? what did you do?)
6th grade. She was a scooter chick who lived down the street. It messed me up for a few years but I’m currently recovering.
Tell us one thing nobody / not many people know about you.
I used to be a professional Scooter rider.
What would your biography be called?
Memoirs of a Human Meme
What was the first song you ever wrote?
It was called “Baby Blue Goo Indoo goo” and I was supposed to perform it for my preschool graduation but I broke my leg and wasn’t able to make it.
What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?
“Don’t do it little bro!”
What has been your biggest achievement?
Tricking a major label into investing into my project.
Which fictional character do you most relate to and why?
Johnny Apple Seed is my main man!
How was high school?
It was fine but I never was a fan of going to school where people give you random busy work to complete. I was always busy trying to focus on my own projects.
Who is the most famous person in your DMs?
I live in LA where everyone is famous so it’s just a normal part of society.
Describe your own personal idea of hell…
Being stuck with a bowl cut when I’m 60…
What is one album that totally changed your life?
When I heard “My Own Prison” by Creed was the pivotal moment when I realized I wanted to be a singer!
Where/what will you be doing at the end of the world?
I will be riding my scooter and enjoying a spliff!