Vocal powerhouse maryjo bares her soul in her latest track, ‘Should Be Us’.

With a voice so delicate it could shatter porcelain and a delivery so flawless it puts you in a state of awe, it’s no surprise that maryjo is enrapturing hearts worldwide. Racking up over 1 million followers on TikTok, she conquered her fear of performing in front of others, turning the platform into her lyrical dojo, where she gained confidence and a legion of fans marvelling at her vocal abilities. Now, she aims to enchant her fans even further with a tender romantic ballad, ‘Should Be Us’, where her vocal prowess takes centre stage.


Finding solace and catharsis in the art of storytelling, maryjo weaves her experiences into poignant songs that resonate universally with her listeners. Whether it’s the heart-wrenching piano ballad of ‘Don’t Call Me (pt 2)’ or the pulsating alternative soundscape of  ‘I Woke Up’, she guarantees raw emotion to be woven into the fabric of each and every song of hers, captivating her loyal fanbase with each release.


In ‘Should Be Us’ acoustic guitars set the rhythm, while maryjo’s commanding yet fragile soar above. Painting a picture of missed opportunities and unrequited love, her lyrics encapsulate the essence of longing and regret in a way that touches the most hidden parts of the soul. Whisking up lyrics that read like poetry, her universally resonating lyrics strike a chord with many, as she crafts a timeless love ballad that takes her artistry to greater heights.


With every song I sing, I try to think about every single angle that people could hear it from and all the ways they could possibly connect to it,” says maryjo. “I’m already getting my therapy from the whole process of writing and recording, so I want to make sure that I’m giving people something that helps them tap into their own emotions and makes them feel better about whatever they’re going through.

Listen to 'Should Be Us' now:
