In partnership with MPT Agency, emerging musician Tina Karol is setting off on a global tour.

An artist sets the tone of an event, an icon sets the tone of a generation. In the case of Tina Karol, she might be on the most important journey of her career. For musicians, the icon status can only be achieved by bearing the responsibility of a righteous cause. For Tina, it is the fate of an entire nation that she bears on her back. Living and creating in the midst of the grueling war in the Ukraine, the young pop-star has only one objective in mind, the establishment of peace at home.


As the most decorated female artist in Europe, Tina launched her newest track “Honey” in early May. An emotional ballad, the track is an ode to the strength and morale of Ukrainian citizens that are trapped in a fight for survival. But unlike a regular release campaign, her new partnership with MPT Agency has embarked her on a quest to pacify global leaders through her music. In a campaign to create common ground amongst fragmented public opinions, Tina wants to utilize Pop-music as a vehicle for peace, in the same way Rock-n-Roll was used during the Vietnam War.


With recent appearances in WWD, Elle magazine & Sky News,  her role as an ambassador for peace has quickly garnered the attention of some of the world’s most powerful institutions. It has even solidified an audience with his Holiness Pope Francis, who she will be meeting to talk about peacebuilding & pop music.

“Honey”  is an instant-classic. Romantic, bubbly, harmonically engaged, and with an outstanding vocal display by Tina herself. “Honey” brings out an emotional complexity, both melancholic and inspiring; it is meant to represent the duality felt in her native Ukraine. Split between survival & political upheaval, her work transcends the anger spectrum and brings her audience around the golden truth of love.


In Los Angeles for the rest of June, Tina is also working with Academy award winner Diane Warren. Bringing together like minded musicians around this powerful message, the two legends are preparing a host of musical pieces that are meant to inspire audiences globally.


For MusicPromoToday, it’s been about enhancing this narrative with audiences in the US.Through social media like TikTok, the campaign has been focusing on rendering this highly divisive opinion towards a point of cultural commonality. Anto Dotcom mentioned “ TikTok is one of the most important drivers of mass opinion in the world, this is becoming undeniable.”


A new frontier for the industry, Tina’s larger than life voice stands to be an anthem for generations to come. Should her message reach the steps of parliaments, and her voice touch the hearts of the global audiences, we may just see a new path open for musicians everywhere. Cause based marketing and common front PR should be an integral part of a musician’s journey. MPT Agency’s and Tina Karol’s collaboration has a single direction in mind, changing history through the power of music.

Stream "Honey" below:
