- Words Solly Warner
- Photography Kai Giraulo
- Styling Alex Hatch
- Hair Emily Chaplin
- MUA Rebecca Barnes @ Creatives Agency
- Production Studio Notion
- Location Wolf & Badger Studios
Since her debut in 2018, London-based ingénue, Millie Turner, has steadily been making a name for herself in the world of pop.
Hailing from a family of artists, it seems only natural that Turner became a creative herself, but she shares that turning her love of music into a career was never really the plan, but rather a happy accident born out of community, friendship, and love.
Inspired by the world around her – the unique, eclectic city she lives in, global issues, friends, family – Turner pens heartfelt and emotionally vulnerable songs about the experience of young adulthood and the highs and lows that come with it.
If her loyal fanbase and impressive streaming numbers weren’t enough to solidify her spot on the growing list of artists to watch, maybe her endorsement from seasoned pop vet Tove Lo will do the trick; the pair were supposed to go on tour together before COVID-19 put a dent in the plans.
With a mixtape on the way and even more to come, we sat down with Millie to discuss her musical beginnings, inspirations, career goals and much more.

When did you first realise you wanted to be a musician?
I’m not sure, music has always been a passion and something I’ve really appreciated from an early age, but I never thought it would go anywhere. It was only when people started to listen and the people around me started to encourage my journey, did I start to believe I could become a musician and take it more seriously. But it’s always been there and it always will be there, whatever happens. Think it took some time to find the confidence to take that title ‘musician’ and wear it with pride, but I do now!
Talk us through “Eye of the Storm”. What’s the story behind the song and why do you think it felt so different from your other tracks?
The eye of the storm has a lot of symbolism for me, as a storm is a place of force and fear, and yet in the eye, there is always complete control and quietness. I’d say that there is always that place of peace in chaos, and for me, it’s a place of hope. Where you can find some quietness and clarity. It’s a very meditative meaning aha, but it feels very needed in the current state of the world.
How did the remix of the song by Daði Freyr come about?
Honestly, I think we just asked him, and he said yes, and then suddenly wouala! I was a fan of his Eurovision performance already, so I was rather excited.

Where have you been drawing inspiration from these days? I can imagine your usual writing process has changed during the world’s current climate.
There is an endless inspiration because there are so many emotions running about the place these days. All the things the world is going through and I’m going through, it almost feels like an act of survival to write a song or a new way of writing a song. It’s hard enough to feel hopeful and afloat but music is good at keeping your head up! It makes me feel useful at least, especially when everything that happens feels very much out of your control. The piano is my control board!
When you’re not writing or singing, how do you keep busy?
I have so many things I love doing besides music! One being, seeing people I love. I do love people. I love going on runs and playing chess, and then reading something magnetic (not literally). I love clothes a LOT. Making weird foods, especially since I moved out of my family home, trying weird foods has been really fun. Anything I can get my hands on really, I love trying new things!
You’ve already hit quite a few milestones throughout the blossoming of your career. What are the three goals or aspirations you have set yourself moving forward?
So many things! Well. I wish to make a body of work that I have written/produced at least some elements of, that tell an honest and moving narrative. I wish to direct a high budget music video and involve a huge glowing ball, (a personal dream of mine). And I really want to inspire people and spread a love that I think is missing in the world right now.
If you could write or record a track with any other musician, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
I think Mozart, but a modern vocal spin on a newly composed piece. He’s such an icon. I say make Mozart the new pop star!

You have such an eclectic look and sound. How did that develop over the years and what, or who, have influenced you?
I really can’t pinpoint one person, I think we live in such a stimulating society and London is constantly churning out beautiful things, it’s hard not to want it to be it all. But I must say, I am inspired a lot by the artists/writers/characters in the world who pioneer curiosity as an art form, and breathe inspiration. From oldies like Mozart, or David Bowie, to the more recent Sudan Archives, Grimes, Kelsey lu, so many people who draw so much power in being themselves, and that is so inspiring! knowing there aren’t any limits on creativity.
What song can you currently not stop listening to?
Barefoot in the park by Rosalia and James Blake! About a film I love too, so double whammy. It’s soo beautiful, I adore her and him together with a blend of wonderful voices, I want to cry every time!
Finally, what can we expect from Millie Turner in 2021?
An incredible mixtape is what you will have to prepare yourself for! One with a lot of emotion and beautiful lyrics. I’m a very proud mum.