Rising pop-princess Gia Woods takes us down memory lane with a curated playlist of tracks that have stayed with her since the early days...

URL to IRL pop princess, Gia Woods, cemented herself as one of the most exciting and pioneering young artists to dominate the scene in recent times with the release of her highly addictive new single ‘Ego’ off of her forthcoming EP ‘CUT SEASON’. If you haven’t tuned in, please do yourself a favour and dance to it in your self-isolation haven.


Born into a traditional Persian household in Los Angeles, Woods’ was raised with music seen as a hobby rather than a successful career path, excluding her big sister, who was constantly showing little Gia the latest MTV bangers. Fast forward a few years later and here we have the birth of the next big thing right in front of our eyes.


What’s so interesting about Miss Gia Woods is there isn’t really anyone like her right now – with a firey flame-like passion for crafting some of the finest pop music on top of being a powerful voice for the LGTBQ+ community, could she be any better? We pledge allegiance to Gia Woods from here on out. After feeling like she had to hide and minimise certain parts of her soul due to the fear of voicing her queerness within her traditionally Persian family, Gia is now out on full force with nothing to hide.


We asked Gia to curate a playlist of 10Trax close to her heart. Before diving in, Gia wanted to say, “This playlist represents most of the songs that I grew up listening to. My sister, who’s 16 years older than me, was a huge inspiration musically for me growing up. She was always listening to the coolest new artists and I’d hear her blasting it on her stereo in her room. Family is incredibly important to me, and she’s actually the one who encouraged me to join a choir in High School, which was where I first found my confidence and passion for singing. If it wasn’t for her I don’t think I’d be doing music full time. These songs really bring me back to growing up and falling in love with music.”


There we have it, dig into the 10Trax selected by Gia Woods below!

“Brain Stew” by Green Day

"Green day was my childhood. If anyone knows me they know I was heavily obsessed with them. I had every CD, every piece of merch, you name it."

“Reckoner” by Radiohead

"This song brings back so many memories from growing up. My older sister would always be playing this on repeat in her room. It’s so beautiful and also one of the first songs I learned on the guitar."

"Jasmine" by Jai Paul

"One of my favourite songs of all time. The second I heard the chords I was obsessed. I still get chills every time I hear it."

"The Morning" by The Weeknd

"This song forever haunts me."

"Like A Prayer" by Madonna

"First of all I’m obsessed with her. Second, when I was younger and just discovering her music, I would watch this music video on repeat. She’s a queen!"

“Bad Girls” by M.I.A

"This song makes me feel hot. I think we can all relate."

“The Suburb” by Mr Little Jeans

"This song sends me back in time every time I listen to it, and the lyrics are insane."

“It’s Oh So Quiet” by Bjork

"Thank god for my sister having good taste. Bjork is such an icon and inspiration to me musically and visually."

“Everybody Wants To Rule The World” by Tears For Fears

"There’s never not a time when I’m not in the mood to put this one on. They’ve been a long-time inspiration for me, so it was a surreal experience opening for them at Sunfest last year."

"Ego" by Gia Woods

Throwing in Gia's latest single to round off this 10/10 playlist.