“Pink (Freak) Remix” by Elliot Lee & GIRLI

Bubblegum pop-rock artist Elliot Lee has dropped their latest single, featuring cybergoth artist GIRLI.

Behind the Base: Kofi Stone

In the third instalment of Pizza Express' 'Behind the Base' series, rapper Kofi Stone chats about the importance of feelings behind music and gives an exclusive performance.

“WYD Now?” by Sadie Jean

Newcomer Sadie Jean has dropped her raw and emotional debut single, "WYD Now?".

“One More Christmas” by H3rizon

TikTok superstars H3rizon release festive bop "One More Christmas", full of seasonal nostalgia and heartwarming meaning to get you in the holiday mood.

“Cruise” by Austin Sands

American musician, singer, songwriter and designer Austin Sands goes solo with the release of the video for his new single "Cruise".

“Flowers That Don’t Exist” by NEWĀRK

Innovative Dutch hip-hop duo NEWĀRK have released the title song from their debut album, "Flowers That Don't Exist".

“207” by Lio Pard

Up-and-coming rapper Lio Pard has dropped a hypnotic new single, "207".

“North Face Sermon” by The Jealous Guys

San Francisco-based hip-hop duo The Jealous Guys have dropped their slick new single "North Face Sermon".

“Dirty” by Marsofyouth

Rising hip-hop artist Marsofyouth has released his liberating new single, "Dirty".