In collaboration with
- Words Aimee Phillips
- Photography Davis Bates
- Styling Cody Allen
- MUA Raoul Alejandre
- Hair Laura Polko
- Styling Assistant Stephanie Drew
- Art Direction Justin Moore & Maria Maleh for Notion 88
Dark pop artist, Charlotte Lawrence, graces the fourth cover of Notion 88, wearing Tommy Jeans.
What makes Charlotte Lawrence really stand out?
Think of it like this—when you hear a pop song and you already feel like you’ve heard it a million times? And you can practically sing along to the words on the first listen? Well, Charlotte Lawrence’s music is the opposite of that.
It’s beguiling, with each brooding melody richly textured with twists and turns, it’s the same pop fabric that draws you in that pulls the rug out from under your feet when you listen to the lyrics. “I’ve always connected with songs that are lyrically driven to spark an emotion, that tells a story and you’re like, I feel for this girl or I feel for him, I’ve been there before, I’ve done that”, Charlotte explains. “Even if I write a super poppy dance song, most of my songs have an underlying negative emotion to it”.